Tang Yunxia
Teaching Designer
3rd Level Book Split Master of “Split Bookto Help”(which is acommonweal organization advocating for study, and its sharing, transmission,giving books’ key knowledge and related own experience)
Chengdu Luyou Association Promoter
Suoao Certified "World Coffee"Host
With 9 years of training experience, working for manyyears in listed companies, organizing hundreds of trainings and servingthousands of students.
Has conducted in-depth study on the construction oftalent training echelon, terminal retail standardization, and training systemconstruction.
He has been independently responsible for the selectionof standards, training path cycles, and training courses for newemployees—reserve store managers—store managers—reserve regionalmanagers—regional managers.
The teaching style is expected to work, and thepractice of class knowledge can be transferred. It is especially good at caseteaching, stripping the phenomenon to see the essence, starting from theproblem phenomenon to the theoretical method summary and then to the casepractice.
Good at topics: "Terminal Sales Skills","Non-violent Communication", "Teaching Design"
Has served the company: KuaiyuClothing, WuguMill,Meituan Food Delivery